Contact Live Bee Removal

Contact Live Bee Removal if you located in located in Los Angeles, we get rid of bees from Golf Clubs to your business store to your homes. As the season of spring is coming along so are our pollinators. USA Live Bee Removal is company that is determined to protect...

Secrets of a Bee’s Buzz

Secrets of a Bee’s Buzz, Now is the time of year when bees buzz from flower to flower. And for many plants, the very survival of their species depends on that buzz. The flowers and the insects are joined together in a partnership of sound. Bumblebees and other...

Live Bee Removal-What’s the Buzz About Wild Bees

[xyz-ihs snippet=”Whats-The-Buzz-About-Wild-bees”]   Among all the pollinators, honeybees get the most publicity, deservedly, because of the problems around their survival. Claire Kremen’s research at the University of California, Berkeley, looks at...